Variable SpotConst

Spot: {
    methods: {
        getSpotPrice: {
            I: typeof SpotPriceRequest;
            O: typeof SpotPriceInfo;
            kind: ServerStreaming;
            name: "GetSpotPrice";
    typeName: "";
} = ...

Spot service offers methods related to the spot tokens on various Ethereum-related chains.

Type declaration

  • Readonly methods: {
        getSpotPrice: {
            I: typeof SpotPriceRequest;
            O: typeof SpotPriceInfo;
            kind: ServerStreaming;
            name: "GetSpotPrice";
    • Readonly getSpotPrice: {
          I: typeof SpotPriceRequest;
          O: typeof SpotPriceInfo;
          kind: ServerStreaming;
          name: "GetSpotPrice";

      GetSpotPriceStream is a server-streaming RPC. It provides real-time spot prices for a list of tokens across multiple chains.

      Parameters: SpotPriceRequest: Contains information about which tokens' spot prices should be fetched on their respective chains. Returns: stream of SpotPriceResponse: Continuously streams data about the spot prices of the requested tokens on their respective chains as updates are available.


      from rpc

  • Readonly typeName: ""


from service

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