This is an item offered in exchange for consideration.


from message




endAmount?: H256

The end_amount represents the amount of the item in question that will be required should the order be fulfilled at the moment the order expires. If this value differs from the item's start_amount, the realized amount is calculated linearly based on the time elapsed since the order became active.


from field: end_amount = 5;

identifierOrCriteria?: H256

The identifier_or_criteria represents either the ERC721 or ERC1155 token identifier or, in the case of a criteria-based item type, a merkle root composed of the valid set of token identifiers for the item. This value will be ignored for Ether and ERC20 item types, and can optionally be zero for criteria-based item types to allow for any identifier.


from field: identifier_or_criteria = 3;

itemType: ItemType = ItemType.NATIVE


from field: item_type = 1;

startAmount?: H256

The start_amount represents the amount of the item in question that will be required should the order be fulfilled at the moment the order becomes active.


from field: start_amount = 4;

token?: H160

The token designates the account of the item's token contract (with the null address used for Ether or other native tokens).


from field: token = 2;

fields: FieldList = ...
runtime: ProtoRuntime = proto3
typeName: "" = ""


  • Create a deep copy.

    Returns OfferItem

  • Compare with a message of the same type.


    Returns boolean

  • Parse from binary data, merging fields.

    Repeated fields are appended. Map entries are added, overwriting existing keys.

    If a message field is already present, it will be merged with the new data.


    Returns OfferItem

  • Parse a message from a JSON string.


    Returns OfferItem

  • Retrieve the MessageType of this message - a singleton that represents the protobuf message declaration and provides metadata for reflection- based operations.

    Returns MessageType<OfferItem>

  • Serialize the message to binary data.


    Returns Uint8Array

  • Override for serialization behavior. This will be invoked when calling JSON.stringify on this message (i.e. JSON.stringify(msg)).

    Note that this will not serialize google.protobuf.Any with a packed message because the protobuf JSON format specifies that it needs to be unpacked, and this is only possible with a type registry to look up the message type. As a result, attempting to serialize a message with this type will throw an Error.

    This method is protected because you should not need to invoke it directly -- instead use JSON.stringify or toJsonString for stringified JSON. Alternatively, if actual JSON is desired, you should use toJson.

    Returns JsonValue

  • Serialize the message to a JSON value, a JavaScript value that can be passed to JSON.stringify().


    Returns JsonValue

  • Serialize the message to a JSON string.


    Returns string

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