interface fiEnum {
    T: EnumType;
    default: undefined | number;
    delimited?: undefined;
    jsonName: string;
    kind: "enum";
    localName: string;
    name: string;
    no: number;
    oneof?: OneofInfo;
    opt: boolean;
    packed: boolean;
    repeated: boolean;



Enum type information for the field.

default: undefined | number

Only proto2: An explicit default value.

delimited?: undefined

Serialize this message with the delimited format, also known as group encoding, as opposed to the standard length prefix.

Only valid for message fields.

jsonName: string

The name for JSON serialization / deserialization.

kind: "enum"
localName: string

The name of the field as used in generated code.

name: string

The original name of the .proto field.

no: number

The field number of the .proto field.

oneof?: OneofInfo

The oneof group, if this field belongs to one.

opt: boolean

Is the field optional?

packed: boolean

Is this repeated field packed? Repeated enums can be packed with the field option "packed". For proto3, they are packed by default.

repeated: boolean

Is the field repeated?

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