Type alias TransactionReceipt<TQuantity, TIndex, TStatus, TType>

TransactionReceipt<TQuantity, TIndex, TStatus, TType>: {
    blockHash: Hash;
    blockNumber: TQuantity;
    contractAddress: Address | null;
    cumulativeGasUsed: TQuantity;
    effectiveGasPrice: TQuantity;
    from: Address;
    gasUsed: TQuantity;
    logs: Log<TQuantity, TIndex, false>[];
    logsBloom: Hex;
    status: TStatus;
    to: Address | null;
    transactionHash: Hash;
    transactionIndex: TIndex;
    type: TType;

Type Parameters

  • TQuantity = bigint

  • TIndex = number

  • TStatus = "success" | "reverted"

  • TType = TransactionType

Type declaration

  • blockHash: Hash

    Hash of block containing this transaction

  • blockNumber: TQuantity

    Number of block containing this transaction

  • contractAddress: Address | null

    Address of new contract or null if no contract was created

  • cumulativeGasUsed: TQuantity

    Gas used by this and all preceding transactions in this block

  • effectiveGasPrice: TQuantity

    Pre-London, it is equal to the transaction's gasPrice. Post-London, it is equal to the actual gas price paid for inclusion.

  • from: Address

    Transaction sender

  • gasUsed: TQuantity

    Gas used by this transaction

  • logs: Log<TQuantity, TIndex, false>[]

    List of log objects generated by this transaction

  • logsBloom: Hex

    Logs bloom filter

  • status: TStatus

    success if this transaction was successful or reverted if it failed

  • to: Address | null

    Transaction recipient or null if deploying a contract

  • transactionHash: Hash

    Hash of this transaction

  • transactionIndex: TIndex

    Index of this transaction in the block

  • type: TType

    Transaction type

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